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Password Age

We always recommend changing passwords on a regular basis as a basic security practice. Our system may prompt you to change at least the cPanel / WHM / Webmail passwords every 1 to 3 years to assure that your password is not too old.

Password Managers

Keeping track of passwords can be quite difficult when you have plenty of accounts. Reusing passwords is highly unrecommended, so if you use a complex and unique password for each account you have (as recommended), your list can become very long and impossible to remember.

Thankfully, there are password managers that help you keep track of all your accounts, their passwords and other sensitive information. All you need to remember is the master password for your password vault.

Safe: Most of the password managers use the zero-knowledge policy and end-to-end encryption, which refers to policies and architecture that eliminate the possibility for the vendor to access your passwords. The passwords within the vault can only be used and seen (decrypted) using your master password. There are various additional methods to protect the vault using 2-Factor-Authentication, country/continent restrictions, device restrictions, etc.

Easy: You just need to install the password manager on your computer and/or mobile device and it will auto-fill the saved password into the website or application. In this case the password can be very long and complex, as you don't need to type it in or remember it.

Some of the most popular password managers:

There are also password managers that are built into the browser or operating system. These are not as reliable and secure as those above, as the passwords are saved only locally and are often not encrypted. We recommend using a commercial password manager when possible.

Password Generators

There are certain techniques to guess and crack passwords, reason why it's never a good idea to use words, birthdays, phone numbers or any other predictable information within your passwords.

Our recommendation is to always use long and complex passwords randomly generated using a password generator:

How to change passwords

To change the passwords of your Maxer account and the hosting account (or accounts related to it), please read this article: How to change passwords

Updated by SP on 29/12/2022

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